Monday, December 20, 2010


20 years ago Riot Grrrl sparked a worldwide 3rd wave feminist punk movement that incouraged girls to pick up a guitar and let their voice be heard. Many of us have been sitting idly by since then, content with the outpour of talent and good vibes emanating from that movement, but now many are asking "Whatever happened to that? Why did it ever fizzle away?" Especially those of a new generation who missed out on riot grrrl completely. We propose that instead of sitting around wondering what happened to that movement, we start a movement of ourselves! We're angry, we're feminists, and we're queer. You don't have to identify as queer to get with this movement though, we highly encourage anyone who's sick of the same shit we are (homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, etc.) to join in! We wanna bring patriarchy ass-kicking into the 21st century and WE WANNA BE HEARD. No longer will we be passive and silent in the face of oppression of any kind cuz FUCK THAT.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Conrad from the real rqsn zine/media producer.
